Our Programs


We offer professional translation services to assist vulnerable individuals, including Afghan refugees, translate essential documents such as Green Cards, passports, and asylum applications. By providing accurate and reliable translations, we enable them to navigate the complex immigration process more effectively and access the support they need.

Job Search Assistance

WE provide guidance and resources to individuals searching for employment opportunities, including refugees. We aim to enhance their economic self-sufficiency and facilitate their integration into the workforce through resume building, interview preparation, and job placement support.  

Literacy Programs

We offer tailored literacy programs in both Dari and English to individuals from diverse backgrounds, including refugees. Improving their language skills empowers them to communicate effectively, access education and employment opportunities, and fully participate their communities. 

Housing Support

We assist vulnerable individuals, including refugees, in finding suitable housing options such as rentals or home purchases. Through counseling, financial education, and access to resources, we strive to ensure they have safe and stable living arrangements that promote a sense of security and belonging. 

Quran Education for Refugee Children

We offer Quran education classes to children from vulnerable communities, including refugee families, through a nurturing and inclusive learning environment we help them develop a strong sense of identity, spirituality, and cultural preservation. 

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